
Biohazard cleanup or blood spills inside a vehicle is not easy to do. Sterile Pros specialized in vehicle blood cleanup service Los Angeles with several unique challenges. We have experience in remediating many vehicles with experienced tools and knowledge to eliminate the strong odors and properly remediate your vehicle. Not cleaning those bacterias can lead to a major risk factor.

Common Vehicles That Need Cleanup Services

Personal Vehicles – Personal vehicles, such as electric bicycles, small boats, subways, trains, trolleybuses, cars.

Police Vehicles – Police vehicles can carry several biohazard bacteria. Our 24/7 service can get the police department vehicles back on the road without any issues.

Ambulances – Ambulance is needed at any time during an injury, accident, or when a crime occurs. These vehicles require the most frequent professional cleanup services than any other vehicle on the road. Bodily fluids such as blood, vomit, and other materials in the ambulance can be cleaned properly and efficiently by the services of our professional crime scene cleanup crew.

No matter what type of vehicle you may have, Sterile Pros is always here to help you. We follow specially formulated steps to clean up using hospital grade and eco-friendly chemicals that are safe to use in any environment. We maintain the highest quality standards in cleaning, disinfecting, and safety compliance.

Call Sterile Pros to discuss this service and to schedule an appointment.

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